Moonbase Alpha (Introduction)

Our plans are grand but our beginnings are simple.

When you (the player) reach Starbase 3001 you are invited to many different “worlds”. You are drawn to the Moonbase because the environment is different and there appears to be a melding of “Classic Space” models with custom LEGO creations.

Moonbase Alpha is a small mining installation mining Imaginatium a powerful fuel for both the base and the home planet as well.

The player arrives at Moonbase Alpha to find that something has recently happened. The Piratron have attacked and raided the base. Although Moonbase Alpha has little means to defend itself they are able to shoot down one of the Piratron scout ships and capture the pilot.

Unwittingly the Piratron ship was carrying an unknown space creature. This creature is called a Grabbles which feeds on Imaginatium and reproduces quickly.

While the Piratron are a major concern the immediate problem is the Grabbles infestation. The base Commander Han Nibble has 3 tasks for you to complete. In return for the completion of each task you will receive a Moonbase themed rocket section. Unfortunately due to the attack and the infestation the base is completely locked down. Nobody is allowed to leave the base through the main doors and all doors to access the base interior have either been damaged or locked. If you must your other rockets can return you to Starbase 3001 but why would you do that?

Your first task is to try and salvage 5 Imaginatium rods from the Grabbles infestation. Once completed you will receive one rocket section.

For the second task you are asked to deliver a circuit board to the Repair Bot 2by3 so that it may begin repairs on an interior base door. You must find a way into the main control center, find 2by3 and deliver the circuit board. Do this and you will receive the second rocket section.

Finally you will be asked to begin exterminating the Grabbles. Once you exterminate 15 Grabbles return to Commander Han Nibble for the final rocket section.

This completes our intro map story. Feel free to stay and explore the small section of the base that is available to you or construct your new rocket and return to Starbase 3001. Just remember to use your Moonbase rocket in LEGO Universe and tell others to come and join in the building of the Moonbase Fan Zone.