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Sunday, April 08 2012 @ 07:03 PM BST

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Little is yet known about the Piratron. They recently attempted a raid on Moonbase Alpha which was the first documented interaction with the Piratron.

During the raid one of the Piratron was shot down and captured but little information has been gleaned from this experience. It appears the Piratron craft was also infected with a creature we are calling Grabbles. We do not believe this infestation was intentional and the Piratron may be dealing with their own infestation which is why they have suddenly appeared.

Since the raid attempt Piratron scout ships have circled and buzzed the Moonbase dome. Why they are doing this is unknown, they may be planning another attack or may be looking for their comrade. In either case the Moonbase is ill prepared to defend itself against any significant attack. Admittedly shooting down and capturing the one Piratron was a stroke of luck.

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npcs/piratron.txt · Last modified: 2010/08/31 20:10 by Admin
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