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Sunday, April 08 2012 @ 06:59 PM BST

LEGO Brand Retail


Re-purposed LEGO Sets

Due to the incomplete part pallet we had to use to create these items some part substitutions were made. The most obvious is the replacement of notched wings with their more modern counterparts without notches. In each case we tried to stay as true to the original model as possible. Unfortunately no printed items currently port into LEGO universe so no printed items are used.

We do have more ready to go for expansion purposes as well.

Mining Equipment

Original MOCs created for the Moonbase project.

Support Equipment

Storage Crates

Origional MOCs created for the Moonbase Project

Piratron Equipment

Origional MOCs created for the Moonbase Project


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equipment.txt · Last modified: 2010/09/04 02:12 by Admin
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