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 How to upload a model.
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By: Yhnmko1 (offline) on Sunday, November 14 2010 @ 08:15 AM GMT (Read 242 times)  

1: Upload a picture and ldd file to Brickshelf.
2: Make a topic.
3: Use

PHP Formatted Code
[url=LDD-LINK][img w=WIDTH h=HEIGHT]IMAGE-LINK[/img][/url]

4: Also upload the picture using Attachments.

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By: Flipz (offline) on Sunday, November 14 2010 @ 09:14 PM GMT  

Quote by: Yhnmko1

1: Upload a picture and ldd file to Brickshelf.
2: Make a topic.
3: Use

PHP Formatted Code
[url=LDD-LINK][img w=WIDTH h=HEIGHT]IMAGE-LINK[/img][/url]

4: Also upload the picture using Attachments.

Additional info:
To Attach a .lxf file, make a copy and change the extension to .zip
Attach the file to your post.
To view the file in LDD, just re-name the extension to .lxf again.

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By: kingsley (offline) on Sunday, November 14 2010 @ 09:19 PM GMT  

Additionally you can create an image gallery on this site. You should have a link to sign up for a gallery in the right hand side bar if you have not already signed up.


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