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 Moonbase Alpha Defense Turret
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By: Flipz (offline) on Wednesday, November 10 2010 @ 04:35 AM GMT (Read 908 times)  

This is a defense turret that could be used as the entry point for a Moonbase Alpha Shooting Gallery. (I mentioned this in my "Piratron Infiltration" story idea.) To see the .lxf file, just rename the .zip file to have a .lxf extension.

FYI, the picture shows a minifig, but the model I attached has none. This is just to prove that the cockpit can fit a minifig; the in-game model file should only include the turret (as the minifig would have to be animated separately). Also, in-game, all translucent pieces except the windshield should glow/light up.

Bradford Rant Pod 7 winner, LU Alpha Tester, LU Beta tester, and Council Member of the Phoenix Command Group (on the LU Creation Lab).
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By: Sim533 (offline) on Wednesday, November 10 2010 @ 05:38 AM GMT  

Very good! I'm happy that you are here! It's a good model, again not sure if the glow would annoy the users.

Sim533 -- Here to help you!

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By: jamesster (offline) on Wednesday, November 10 2010 @ 03:03 PM GMT  

Looks like a Tie fighter from Star Wars... Razz

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By: Flipz (offline) on Wednesday, November 10 2010 @ 07:01 PM GMT  

Quote by: jamesster

Looks like a Tie fighter from Star Wars... Razz

My core template for this model was actually a model I built by mashing up structures from a Star Wars: The Clone Wars set in weird and unusual combinations. Of course, I changed a lot from that model to allow the minifig to fit in the cockpit, and the original was stationary (it could move up and down, but couldn't rotate)...and the original DEFINITELY didn't have that huge gun on the top, just the missiles. Not to mention the change in color palate to match the rest of Moonbase Alpha...

Bradford Rant Pod 7 winner, LU Alpha Tester, LU Beta tester, and Council Member of the Phoenix Command Group (on the LU Creation Lab).
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By: willr2d213 (offline) on Monday, May 02 2011 @ 05:32 PM BST  

Quote by: jamesster

Looks like a Tie fighter from Star Wars... Razz

Yes it does Razz

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